Thursday 26 February 2015

Building pyramids

We used Lego.

We used stiff paper.

To make 3D models. 

Working together in English

In literacy we have worked together to write notes about Poo Power. This power source was used to get Shelia the Hippo to the moon in our story. 

Looking forward to reading an explanation of how it works. 

PE has moved

Just a note to tell you that Y3 now has PE on Wednesday. Please make sure your children have their kits in, that they are named and in a named bag. This will help us to reunite any left kit to its rightful owner! 

Many thanks Year 3 and the PE team 

Monday 23 February 2015

Year 3 trip to Liverpool

Please remember 3ZH, your trip is on Wednesday. 

Soil Science


Working scientifically to find out what is in different soils. 

Working together.

 4 different soils.